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A NEW CIO - Reg. No. 1181947


07786 296163

Aims & Objectives.


To develop a new innovative way of providing Care for some of society’s most vulnerable members by creating unique* combined residential opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and the elderly.


By linking these two groups with extensive leisure and social facilities which will be shared with the local community we will:


  • improve the quality of their care, while reducing the cost

  • avoid their institutionalisation and greatly enhance their quality of life and well-being

  • engage the community and create volunteering opportunities

  • validate this innovative care model and demonstrate its scalability


Aiming for excellence, sustainability, community involvement, innovation and economy, and seeking to demonstrate an entirely new/different way of providing care which can be used as a template to replicate the approach and, importantly, demonstrate scalability. A core objective is to address the sense of exclusion, institutionalisation and isolation in the target communities.



*Unique Proposition?


While these two groups would reside in different ‘wings’ of a customised residential facility, by coming together in communal areas at the ‘hub’ which would encourage use by the community at large - they would find mutual entertainment in their interactions, and both are likely to be engaged by the same stimulating and calming activities and facilities.


All accessed from the ‘hub’, these indoor and outdoor activities will include: sensory environments; exercise facilities/classes; water facilities; a toy & leisure lending library; pet care; cookery; music therapy; indoor games; painting; computers, dancing; flower-arranging; gardening; robust outdoor play equipment and games such as bowling, basketball hoops and croquet; participation in daily living as appropriate and use of quiet, restful areas both indoors and out.



Why are we needed? Â»

Question: Where would Better Living savings come from?


Answer: From Innovation

Which includes: Effective Staffing** / Community Involvement / Volunteering / Not-for-Profit / Vocational Training / Charitable Contributions / Local Companies / Local Charities / Scale-ability / Sponsorship / Sale of Produce / Sharing Resources / Family Involvement / Hire of Facilities / Exhibitions… and more…….


**Current staffing is largely from overseas, paid under the National Minimum Wage and only nominally trained

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